Welcome to Nomadic!

At Nomadic we are all about the intersection of bikes, travel and life. We believe bikes make life better and have a positive impact on many of the issues that face us today. Nomadic strives to help you take your bike on your travels or get more utility from your bike around town. We have some fantastic travel bikes, E-bikes, commuter bikes, trailers and carriers lifestyle gifts and bicycle touring and travel gear. Let us know what you're looking for  Set up an appointment at Nomadic Headquarters in Longmont or Contact Us.

We stock a large inventory of folding bikes and we have the Visc D18, Mu SL11,  Visc SL 349/305, and have the entire line available to order.  

Lines of Business - Cycling

(Other Lines of Business will show themselves here once we settle the menu structure - but our "domains" menu above can give you a tour)

We have available now highly end Dahon folding bikes with special customization including suitcases to travel without over-size charge..  We can help you find the bike that is best for you. We're here to  help you get the most out of your ride, whether around town or around the world! In addition to our lines of Folding Bikes we also have a range of touring and travel gear.  Whether you drive, fly, RV, boat or sail on your travels, we have solutions to help you take your bike.

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